Get Bigger Turnout with Bigger Print

Twin Cities jewelry store, Becklund Jewelers, is having a close-out sale for the next month and a half. They came to us wanting to make a big statement in print; bigger than they have ever done before. Normally we just send out some postcards for their sales, but this time they wanted to go bigger. We kicked off their marketing campaign with a few thousand invitations sent to select customers inviting them to a private sale.
We put up window perfs so people driving by could see the ongoing sale. Window perfs are a unique perforated material that allows people on the outside to see an image on the window and allows people on the inside to see out. They turn your windows into giant billboards, and the best part is you don’t even have to pay a media company for the space! In case that wasn’t enough we made signs for sign-walkers to carry up and down the street to catch people’s attention. The more ink you put in front of people’s faces the more likely they are to see it. To spread the word across the town we took a 25-foot box truck and wrapped it. The average wrapped car can be seen by over 40,000 people every day, and a wrapped delivery truck, especially one that makes deliveries all day, can be seen by even more, and is far more noticeable.
By combining, quick turn digital printing, in-house mailing services, and large format graphics, we created a powerful and engaging way of bringing more customers into the store. In just the few weeks since the first mailers went out, Becklund Jewelers has sold more product than they have ever sold with any other sale. Ever.
How can we turn your next marketing campaign into your best campaign ever?