Direct Mail Is Important in Cross-Platform Marketing

Direct mail marketing is effective in cross-platform marketing because it can be targeted, personalized, builds trust with customers, and allows for bigger reach.
Shapco’s full-service mailing can manage your project every step of the way. Our services include: list acquisition/processing, data management, inserting, tabbing, ink-jetting, 100% blind matching with camera verification, mailing, and tracking. Our experience, attention to detail, and level of service when it comes to this intricate and multi-layer process is unparalleled.
We can target specific areas or audiences with personalized campaigns that provide measurable, trackable results. Boost your marketing strategy and ROI with an end-to-end managed direct mail campaign from Shapco.
Shapco is a “Mail Anywhere” Provider!
Benefits to Our Clients:
We can now utilize out-of-state SCF discounts by delivering and clearing our mail at any Business Mail Acceptance site nationwide — decreasing delivery times and lowering the cost to our customer if mail saturation is significant in an outside area.
Our customer can retain their permit on the mail piece and not have to rely on Shapco’s permit number to be displayed — as long as we are listed as the Mailing Agent in the electronic postage statement (eDoc) and have provided the USPS with our customer’s permit number.
Maintain a single permit and centralized account to enter and pay for all mailings across the country.
Local Permit Number or Company Imprint Indicia may be used at any location.